The Stella Alpina Rally

and all future years

The 'Stella Alpina Motociclistica Internazionale' is currently consigned to history

Yes, unfortunately it's official ...but it's not an end to visiting Bardonecchia or continuing to ride some of the off-road tracks in the region.

The following emails dated 19 June 2024 from Alberto Borello, the event organiser for many years, provide more information:

Friends and fellow motorcyclists, warm greetings to all of you.

I regret to have to communicate that, contrary to what is known to date, the motorcycle trip to the mountains, Stella Alpina, a classic meeting between two-wheel enthusiasts, on the second Sunday of July, to climb the Sommeiller pass, has been cancelled.

This decision was considered the most appropriate, after a meeting which took place on Friday 14th, in the presence of all the local managers of the law enforcement agencies, the municipal administration, the CNSAS (National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps), the SAGF (Rescue Alpino of the Guardia di Finanza), the relevant Agricultural Association, the Manager of the Refuge, Pro Natura, the Italian Alpine Club, the undersigned as a person informed of the facts.

There are mainly three reasons: since the event is completely self-managed, there is no reference organizer for contacts with the PS; it is not possible to guarantee a level of safety and emergency response adequate for the number of participants and the environment in which the event takes place; the negative impact of such events on the Alpine ecosystem.

At this point the Police Department, responsible for the event, took note of the situation.

For these reasons, some of those present proposed the end of this event as the only possible solution.

No one set out to avoid this decision.

Here, therefore, is the reason for this brief communication that I am making to all of you, friends of Stella Alpina, so that you are informed about the state of affairs.

Good luck to everyone.


Dear Bob, good morning.

I have just sent a message to you and to English motorcyclist friends who have been, since the beginning, the "hard core" of the event created and promoted by the great Mario Artusio.

A brief explanation of what happened.

In essence, the police want an organizer responsible for safety, rescue, healthcare and registration of participants.

This would mean taking on considerable responsibilities as well as considerable organizational and insurance costs.

And, in any case, it would mean being liable, civilly and criminally, for whatever happens. It would mean imposing a participation fee, which Mario has always refused.

Stella Alpina has always been about freedom and friendship, self-management.

In the fateful meeting, I asked if there was anyone available to take on and share the responsibility for the new management with me: no one.

So, excuse me, but ..........I raised the "white flag".

Best regards.


Keen motorcyclist?

Negotiating UK city traffic or the riding over the great hills of Bedfordshire no longer offer enough of a challenge?  Then consider the Alps!

Only one day's ride from here (well, from Bedfordshire anyway), the Alps offer spectacular scenery and roads, and all the more if you're game for exploring off the beaten track (literally!).

The 'Stella Alpina Motociclistica Internazionale', more commonly known as the Stella Alpina Rally (or just "The Stella"), has taken place in the Italian Alps every year since 1966.

With the exception of the very first Stella Alpina, the meeting has taken place every year in the Italian ski-resort town of Bardonecchia which is located close to the Italian border with France at the end of the Frejus tunnel that links the two countries.

Whilst the term "Rally" can conjure up thoughts of a competitive event, this description does not apply to the Stella Alpina.  Largely organised throughout it's 50+ years' history by Turin BMW rider, Mario Artusio, the Stella is simply a meeting of motorcyclists (and pillion passengers) who share a common interest.  Whilst the highlight of the event for many is the Sunday morning ride up the largely unsurfaced track to the 9872ft (3009m) elevation Colle del Sommeiller, the socialising over the whole weekend is also a major attraction.

Don't be put off by the prospect of riding off tarmac.  The Stella is intended to offer road-riders an opportunity to experience roads which they would not generally and the track can be negotiated on any well-ridden road bike; you certainly DO NOT need an "Adventure" bike - look HERE!

Click HERE for further information.

Interested?  Then the date for your diary is the second Sunday in July (every year!).

 Stella Alpina 1981  (Photos)                      Stella Alpina 2012  (Photos)
 Stella Alpina 1982  (Photos)                      Stella Alpina 2013  (Photos)
 Stella Alpina 1983  (Photos)                            Ligurian Border Ridge Road 2013  (Photos)
 Stella Alpina 1984  (Photos)                      Stella Alpina 2014  (Photos)
 Stella Alpina 2000  (Article & photos)                      Stella Alpina 2015  (Photos)
 Stella Alpina 2001  (Photos)                      Stella Alpina 2016  (Photos)
 Stella Alpina 2002  (Photos)                      Stella Alpina 2017  (Photos)
 Stella Alpina 2005  (Photos)                      Stella Alpina 2018  (Photos)
 Stella Alpina 2008  (Photos)                      Stella Alpina 2019  (Photos)
 Stella Alpina 2009  (Photos)                            Stella Alpina 2019  (A first-timer's account & photos)
 Stella Alpina 2010  (Photos)                            Ligurian Border Ridge Road 2019  (Photos)
 Stella Alpina 2011  (Photos)                      Stella Alpina 2022  (Photos)
       Ligurian Border Ridge Road 2011  (Photos)                      Stella Alpina 2023  (Photos)